Roundhay Residents Association (RoRA) Constitution
The Association shall be known as the:
Roundhay Residents Association (RoRA)
RoRA’s work will focus on the area of Roundhay..
The aims and objectives of RoRA shall be to:
Develop a sense of community in Roundhay
Represent and promote the interests and needs of residents and local businesses through ongoing engagement
To make Roundhay a better place for the future, by working to maintain and improve the quality of life of local residents
Our Association will:
Be run in a fair and transparent manner, including financial matters.
Be non-political in its approach.
Meet the requirements of groups which provide us funding.
Be open to all residents irrespective of nationality, race, colour, sexuality, gender, disability, age, religion, political opinion, tenure, marital status, parental status, health, criminal record or any other reason which may arise. We will encourage the participation of all sections of our community so that they have an opportunity to have a say.
Use a range of ways to maintain regular contact and encourage the involvement of residents using various methods, for example meetings, newsletters, the internet, social networking sites and face-to-face discussions.
Work positively with other organisations to further our aims
Membership of RoRA shall be open to will be open to all.
The work of RoRA will be guided by a Steering Committee consisting of a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. These will be elected at an AGM. Other members can stand as ordinary committee members or have a specific role, such as membership secretary, Communications & Social Media Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator. These should ideally be elected at an AGM but may be co-opted onto the committee at an open meeting. In addition working groups may be convened to deliver specific objectives or events (for example the Festive Light Switch On).
In order to hold the meeting, a quorum of a minimum of 3 committee members is required.
Committee Membership:
Others as required
The Committee shall meet monthly to ensure that the aims of RoRA are met and to undertake the general running of RoRA. The dates, times and locations shall remain fixed as far as possible with the details being posted via a range of methods (public noticeboards, local shops, social media etc).
RoRA will take positive action to reach those people that are under-represented at meetings and events and will ensure that all members have the opportunity to be involved in the Association and its events.
All members shall have voting rights on all issues raised at general meetings that they attend. Each member attending the meeting shall have one vote.
It shall be a condition of membership that members at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by RoRA.
Any members may be excluded for a breach of this condition or for any other conduct contravening the objectives of RoRA, by a majority of those present and voting at any general meeting. Any member so excluded shall have the right of appeal to the following general meeting.
4. Decision Making
The majority of decisions will be made through discussion and by reaching a consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached, a majority vote will be taken with the Chair having the casting vote if required.
For financial decisions, the Treasurer and one other Committee member is required to agree to the spend (from the accounts or a drawdown of donations).
5. Powers
To achieve our objectives the Committee may exercise the following powers:
• To raise funds and invite and receive contributions to the fund;
• Buy, rent, lease, exchange or sell any property necessary for the achievement of our objectives;
• Employ such staff (who shall not be members of the committee) as are necessary to achieve our objectives;
• Co-operate with charities, businesses and other voluntary or statutory bodies operating in furtherance of the same or similar objectives, and exchange information and advice with them;
• Subject to any legal requirements to borrow money and to change the organisation with repayment of the money borrowed;
• Carry out any other lawful activities as are necessary for the achievement of the project.
6. Finances
RoRA is a voluntary, non-profit making organisation and no member of the group shall stand to gain from any money raised.
Any items of capital equipment bought with Leeds City Council funding shall remain the property of the Council.
The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of RoRA and shall open a bank/building society account in the name of RoRA and keep copies of all relevant invoices and receipts to support expenditure and income. A full statement of income and expense plus the balance sheet will also be provided to the AGM.
The funds of RoRA shall be paid into a bank account set up specifically for the organisation. RoRA shall nominate at least two people who can sign cheques/transfer funds. These people must not live in the same household, or be close family members. If these committee members stand down they are responsible for transferring responsibility for the RoRA bank account to the new committee members. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the Committee.
8. Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held in the final quarter of each year and at least three weeks public notice will be given. All members will be entitled to vote. The AGM will hear reports of the year’s events from the Secretary, receive Treasurer’s reports and elect Committee members for the forthcoming year. Any amendments to the Constitution will be decided at the AGM or if required, an EGM for this purpose.
Minutes and notes of all meetings of RoRA will be kept. The minutes will be presented to the next meeting to be approved. The minutes should be made available to any member of RoRA on request.
Changes to the Constitution
These can only be made at the AGM or EGM by majority vote. Notice of a resolution to change the Constitution shall be sent to the Secretary at least 21 days before the AGM or EGM.
9. Dissolution
The organisation can be dissolved at any time, if necessary, at an AGM or EGM. The Committee shall call a meeting of all members, giving at least 14 days’ notice in writing and stating the terms of the dissolution resolution to be proposed at the meeting. If the resolution is confirmed by a simple majority of those present at such a meeting the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets, on the understanding that these will be used to enhance amenity in Roundhay.
Signed: ………………………………………………………………………….
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