What do you want from RoRA?
What do you want from RoRA?
Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey in December 2018 which asked what you wanted from RoRA.
From your responses, there’s a strong desire to make positive changes in the community and support RoRA. We can only do this together with you so thank you for your support.
An overwhelming majority of over 50% of respondents, felt that developing a sense of community (eg. fairs, fetes & street parties) was a priority. This was followed by the Physical Environment (eg. promoting road safety & lobbying for improvements) at 18%, and Supporting Local Business (eg. Christmas markets or local discount card) at 11%.
From the results, a community hub would be welcomed, ranging from a communication point to a physical space or even a building. Many expanded on how to develop community spirit, suggesting schemes to support neighbours, reduce isolation, and pursue like interests. Teens and young people were called out as a particular group that could be better served by the community.
Most people’s ‘burning issue’ was concern over the number of empty shops and overall state of repair on the Street Lane Parade. There was a desire for a larger and more diverse range of affordable shops that offered something different to Charity Shops and the return of a Post Office. Chapel Allerton was often cited as what good looks like. There were also many comments about overall improvement of the area with increased pedestrianisation, better surfaces, parking regulation, more bins and improved upkeep.
Issues around Crime and Safety were also regularly mentioned, including antisocial behaviour and the recent theft of paving slabs. The provision of school places, public conveniences, bins, and a car charging point for electric cars got multiple mentions.
Thanks once again for taking the time to give your views and look forward to having fun and making some changes with you.

It would be lovely for Roundhay to have more of a sense of community, similar to Oakwood or Chapel Allerton

...improvement in shops and parking on Street Lane. It’s a shame there are empty units and there could be a much better choice to serve local community. The whole parade looks so shabby

I'm so pleased that RoRA has been set up and that action is happening. Would be good to know how we can be involved with specific events/projects/campaigns
For your information, please find below the online results in full as received. Please note, these are the views of individual respondents and do not necessarily reflect the views of RoRA, but we will use this information to help to shape our thinking and to prioritise our efforts.
Which of the following do think should be a priority for us?

2. What other broad areas are there, that are not included in question 1, that we should prioritise?
Awareness of keeeping environment as good as possible
The future of General Practices in the Roundhay area, given NHS plans for GP hubs covering 30-50,000 patients
Having a visible hub, e.g community cafe where small gatherings could be hosted like knitting circles, cafe scientifique, repair cafes, coffee mornings, etc. Appreciate quite an ambitious ask and may be cost prohibitive so would need to crowdfund and find a sustainable business model.
Is there anyway of creating a central point in Roundhay to help create better community spirit? Like
Oakwood clock
Support a neighbour scheme
COMMUNITY Events, shopping parade, bringing residents and business owners together
I could only select 1 option from Q1. I would have also selected natural environment, culture, education and supporting local businesses. The other areas are important but I think there are enough opportunities already set up to address them. Perhaps RoRA could act as a collection point for views on things like pot-holes/road safety concerns - but I see this as a role for councillors. I think once the parade area is improved both visually and in terms of what is actually there ie. the creation of a community focal point - the other areas will be able to evolve quite naturally.
there does not seem to be much for adults in the daytime, I know it costs for events to be run and perhaps no great demand. Many things for children (preschool and school age) but nothing for more mature adults (not bingo!) That said, there may be events but just don't know where to find the notifications. Skill session - share skills and advice with others, whether a monthly drop in at one of the church coffee mornings on a Saturday or a facebook page? If in person, any members who are able to repair small electrical items? cost of parts and donation to the church/RoRA if able to afford?
Community empowerment and returning vibrancy to the area
Addressing the issue of crime in our community and links with the authorities that can assist and advise with this as it seems to be a big topic of discussion at the moment
Community safety
When events are held in Roundhay Park does the park get any of the money made? Not sure if question in the right box 😳
overgrown hedges and trees impeding safe movement along footpaths.
Crime prevention/speeding
School places and parking?
Community spirit
All areas mentioned in question one are issues that need to be tackled at some point, it was difficult to pick one as priority. It would be lovely for Roundhay to have more of a sense of community, similar to Oakwood or Chapel Allerton hence me going for that option. However, I also feel strongly that action is needed to bring businesses back to Street Lane, it's such a shame to see so many units empty. I don't have solutions, but more than happy to be involved in discussions about how we can help.
None I can think of.
Don’t know
Links with somewhere in Europe that can be built apon by schools and other community groups
I wish your survey would have let me choose more than one priority. For instance, natural environment as well as physical. Culture too.
We need more youth clubs, more to do for early teens
None - for me it's as simple (or difficult) as creating a sense of community. Lot's of the others already have groups or bodies appointed and Rora can't do everything.
Public toilets in or near Roundhay Park. Once cafe is closed there are no facilities for the many walkers and runners
Inclusion for those who live alone.
How we can work together to reduce crime in Roundhay. I have a real thing about the amount of paving slabs that are getting stolen and the council and police are doing nothing about.
Sharing news
Anything that makes the local area better for locals and visitors and attracts more useful shops/services like post office!
Involving the local police - making close links between the community and local police officers
Keep local groups WI,Probus etc informed of community events well in advance so can plan to support if appropriate.
Elements of other options, mini library, supporting local business, outdoor cinema etc
Discounts, a voice for local people
Things for. Children please. Maybe doing things to support or raise awareness of local charities
Make events budget friendly for all.
Encouraging a greener environment: Greening front gardens, more street trees, electric car plug ins, edible community beds
Reducing the number of Yorkshire stones that are stolen somehow - perhaps having volunteers label them with UV ink and putting notices on lamp posts and alerting the cash for stones companies ie in Seacroft.
Having similar events to those in Chapel Allerton through CARA ie great bands at the Oakwood festival.
Litter, general upkeep of the area e.g broken benches, double yellow lines not finished off, holes dig up in paths and poorly patched up
Safety and crime prevention
Road safety
Revitalising the shopping parade on Street Lane. More independent food shops are needed. Improve parking facilities.
Improved public transport links to city centre
Encouraging a variety of cultures to interacf more
Fundraising for new Christmas lights-the switch on was really lovely & would be nice as an annual event with more impressive lights
Safer streets
Local safety, quality of provision such as play equipment (the Bumps), improvements in physical environment in particular the Street Lane parade of shops and the adjacent parking - plus any other topical issues which become a community priority.
Children in the area
Perhaps lobbying for more police patrols?
New businesses in the area
A community club or centre like Gledhow have
I find it quite frustrating seeing the amount of shops to let on Street Lane, and the lack of good, small, independent bars & restaurants on offer compared to other areas (Chapel Allerton, Oakwood, Meanwood, Crossgates etc). I am not sure if this is within your jurisdiction but I would like some clarity as to what is putting independents off setting up here.
As I could only give one answer for q1 I’d support physical environment and education too
The survey wouldn’t let me choose 3 but I would like a focus on community activities, activities and facilities for local teenagers eg space for them, mental health awareness, helping bring different sections of the community together eg the very old and very young.
Promotion and regeneration of local businesses
Crime prevention, neighbourhood watch
3. What one burning issue would you like to see addressed in Roundhay?
Post Office. Litter. Parking problems on Street Lane. Speeding of traffic on Street lane.
Maintaining and improving local facilities, including shops.
Cars and pedestrians in front of Street Lane parade of shops need to be separated; current situation is dangerous.
Having a community focal point... so RoRa is a much welcomed idea! Thank you to the team!
School places!,
Anti social behaviour
The state of the shopping parade
A wider range of indepenant businesses along the parade with an aim to create a similar feel to Chapel Allerton
Burglaries of local businesses is very concerning for the businesses and staff, and local residents burglaries too, only just learning about through RoRA. Also, Inconsiderate parking on pavement in front of eateries near Daisy Chain, at times very dificult to walk along footpath and often trip up, others with pushchairs and wheelchairs have difficulties.
Let's sort out the parade on street lane
Our fight street businesses unable to make a success die to extortionate rent and rates.
Empty shops but not sure if this is something that can be affected by this group
See above ! Sorry.
Sorting out St Lane Parade - it needs adopting by the council, pedestrianising and the parking moved to where the existing pavement is. This would create a great community space.
street parking
Crime! Burglaries
The parade (shops). Many have closed, very difficult (and unsafe) to walk along with children. Rents far too high. Lack of decent and reasonably priced cafes. Would also be great to see a revamp of bumps playground - it's a bit of a wasted opportunity at the moment.
Street Lane a proper 'high street' again - units all full (ideally local businesses, not just charity shops as much as I like those) and a sense of community.
Increase in traffic and speed of this traffic along street lane.
Not sure
Pavement theft
Empty shops!
Less development, knocking houses down and garden stealing for redevelopment. Parking
More independent retailers so that the parade becomes a shopping destination
Street Lane parade of shops - you would never guess looking at that you are in one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan parts of Leeds - it looks completely depressing! The light switch on really breathed life into it and it was fantastic to see.
Lack of public toulets
Pavement quality. Very uneven and often slippery. Difficult with a buggy and wheelchair.
Uneven pavements.
Enforcement of the 20 mph or else its removal. It is far too confusing as it is especially for non residents.
The paving slabs!
Improvements to street lane parade
Post Office!
The only issue for me is The paving along Street Lane. It is slippery and dangerous in winter and is a nightmare to push a wheelchair/pushchair on all year long! I realise this would be very expensive to replace!
The cost of shop rental. Independent shops are closing at an alarming rate. For example -There needs to be a post office back on Street Lane - and Mrs Gales has been empty for years
Lack of any action by our elected local Councillors
Community Centre - venues are expensive and very busy
The state of Street Lane parade and the lack of local facilities such as a post office
Lack of support for new business wanting to start or setting up on street lane. High rents and opposition means the high street is floundering. Encouraging new independent business, gift shops, bistros, craft shops
Lack of ‘Roundhay’ Community events
The cafe on street lane parade that insists on taking up 3 car parking spaces for outside seating that no one uses needs to be removed. They already have outside seating and there aren’t enough spaces along there as it is so taking up three is ridiculous
Why are there not more events in the park for locals? Oakwood have a market etc, why can't there be fairs in the park. Such a vast area for opportunity.
Smartening up Street Lane Parade
Non serious but I'd like have local music. I always have to go to meanwood or chapel allerton or headingley.
Yorkshire Stone theft
The parade/ coop to Fridays fish and chip shop should be something to be proud of. Currently it’s a mess.
Some businesses have spent thousands. Others can’t even sweep out the front of their shop.
Lack of primary school places
Lack of primary School places... sorry! I know its done to death but it is a blight on where we live if you have a young family.
Reduction in empty units in the main shopping precinct. More variety of shops will bring people back.
The rising unoccupied business units and the fact that the Street Lane parade has degraded when
Oakwood, Chapel Allerton and Moortown Corner are comparatively thriving.
Road safety
Better shops with better parking facilities like in Chapel Allerton so that I don’t have to travel there to shop.
Safety from surrounding areas
Sorting out Street Lane shops area to create a safer, pedestrian friendly area
Encouraging re establishment of a range of shops other than cafes anf charity shops
Boris bike scheme introduced to Roundhay Park.
Dog poo on the pavements!
Street lane parade restored and more appropriate to its users
Schools provision! (But I don’t Think that can be in your remit as RoRA!) i’d settle for trying to improve the Street Lane parade.
An improvement in shops and parking on Street Lane. It’s a shame there are empty units and there could be a much better choice to serve local community. The whole parade looks so shabby. The parking needs to be limited to 1-2 hours so it’s easier to find a space and the road resurfaced.
The horrible state of our shop parade- dreadful surface, no real pavement, horrible parking, closed shops.
Parking near Roman avenue
Theft of pavement flags!!
We need better food shops in Oakwood. Lots of people visit and it would be so lovely if we could have a greengrocer / butcher etc like chapel a do. So bringing in new businesses to the area would be nice.
Attracting more local businesses onto street lane
School allocation and more free activities for children.
Community club or community center for meetings gatherings and rental
Decent independent bars and restaurants moving in.
Number of empty retail spaces - how to encourage businesses into the area.
Attracting local businesses to the street lane parade to fill the empty units; creating a reason for people to shop there (similar to Oakwood approach)
Street lane shops more vibrant/full
Cycle path across soldiers field from Oakwood to the playground-more like the Stray in Harrogate but specifically for wheels-scooters, bikes etc.
Loss of a sense of community and a feeling that Roundhay (other than the park) isn’t a destination in the same way that Chapel Allerton or Meanwood are
More police
4. Any other comments?
Very glad this group exists
A sense of community doesn’t have to be physical activities. Perhaps online forums, Facebook pages, etc could help people connect and have better awareness of what’s happening in the area. Although a mix of activities is good for inclusivity as not everyone is computer literate. Thank you!
Well done for starting this initiative- I think itss Something lots of people would like to see
I felt most, of not all of the areas in question 1 are important for the wider community. Could you have a focus per quarter of the year?
Absolutely love RoRAs long term vision to redesign the parade area to make it more of a pedestrianised community focal point. It would completely change the feel of the place for the better in my opinion. I think it would be great to have a alcohol/coffee serving business that better caters for families (not simply welcoming children but providing better entertainment facilities for them). I’m mainly thinking of a outdoor play area at a pub for the hotter months! The manager at the TO seemed game! Please keep advertising meetings. I would still like to come to them. X
found the first question difficult to answer, there is a mix of things that would be useful. Fairs, fetes, xm markets all take a lot of organising, other social things would be good eg public talks, local history, things to help residents eg the skills swap/share, repair small electrical items. Dog fouling on back roads, someone not picking up after their dog(s), wheelie bins are sometimes placed onto this after return from emptying
Let's get our invisible councillors working for us
I think it’s fantastic what you have done in a short time and that you are trying to bring the sense of community back to Roundhay
Well done Sarah and the rest of the RoRA
Would like the group to lobby for our councillors to be more involved with the community. They have no presence, don't seem to do anything and if they do, they don't communicate it.
No more bars/eateries/coffee houses over 'real' shops which serve the communities needs.
People drive far to fast
Some perspective on the crime issue is needed - Roundhay is not a high crime area, greater awareness of individual property offences via social media etc. does not equate to an increase in crime. It does not do an area justice to portray it as a high crime area when it isn't. In fact it can be very counterproductive. Burglary stats are also very misleading - wealthier property owners are more likely to be insured and therefore more likely to report break-ins to the police. Break-ins happen and can be awful for those affected, but this is not an issue that disproportionately affects Roundhay and I'm getting a bit tired of the ill-informed scaremongering on the Facebook group. Perhaps a more positive message would be beneficial.
I'm so pleased that RoRA has been set up and that action is happening. Would be good to know how we can be involved with specific events/projects/campaigns - I want to help but have limited time to give.
Thank you for all your efforts
It's tempting to try and set tangible targets - we delivered this statue, we got that bench but I think the real opportunity is to give people a chance to feel part of a community. Events, schemes, talks from experts might not sound much and hard to quantify but really makes a difference if you can keep the momentum, which isn't easy.
Thank you
Parking issues. Or residential permits should be required in some areas.
Would be nice to have a new classy looking Roundhay sign. Rather than the cheap looking metal one that was on park lane which was blue and white. Could this be done. Meanwood recently has a new sign which is far nicer than the Roundhay one we had not sure if it’s still there because of the road works. Would it be possible to suggest a new use for the old toilet block near Tropical world as it’s a dump. Thanks for listening 😊
Choosing one narrow priority from that list was difficult! They all sound valid. Suggest Focus on two main areas 1. Community cohesion, events etc. 2. Improve immediate area for users and businesses. They are interdependent. More of the same basically
RoRA is an excellent initiative
Would suggest OTRA is a good model to follow but I think you know this. Well done for setting up this initiative. 'Roundhay Live' did their best but needed a proper constitution to progress ie access money and this is where OTRA came in. Good luck.
Fab idea and hopefully we can bring some life, diversity back to street lane
I know it was the first year but the Christmas light switch on was a bit of a let down when there was pretty much only one light that got turned on. There should have been far more lights along the parade. But a good selection of stalls although slight carnage getting round them all and some of the stalls were very dark. We went up for 30 mins before the lights were turned on and there was no music. It was a nearly but not quite event but would love to see it back next year if done better.
Links to REAP’s annual Roundhay Open Gardens?
I understand the problems over who owns what but we need to put pressure on the council to force landlords to keep their areas nice. Then as residents we can focus money/ effort on improvements such as flower boxes etc.
I am unclear if the Roundhay Residents’ Association is only covering the Street Lane area or is extending into Oakwood, which also needs better shops.
Thank you for this initiative
Thank you for all your efforts!
There are parts of Roundhay e.g. the Romans that look horrible. Lots of renters who just don’t care and a council that refuses to invest in smartening it up. It’s depressing.
Great iiiyiative to set up the group - communities need people like u guys, and I hope u find people are keen to support once given the opportunity. Thanks for your efforts!
Brilliant job on the lights switch on!
List of local business like a localyvyeklow pages
There are too many charity shops and tea rooms/ cafe's on the main Street Lane parade with many shops left un-let.
Thanks for all your hard work
Great job! Anything which can help to bring communities together is a positive move. Thank you.
5. In future, we might decide to charge a nominal amount for annual membership of RoRA (e.g. £5-£10 for earners, maybe lower for non-earners) in return for benefits such as local discounts. Is this something you would support? Please feel free to add further comments about this below